Check Your Stress Score
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*Self Stress Assessment Template*
Submit Your Answer In drop-down .
You will get your *Stress Score* at the end.
No need of registration.
कामाच्या ठिकाणी आपण तणावात आहात का? हे तपासण्यासाठी खालील लिंकवर क्लिक करा.
Are you in stress or pressure at your workplace?

*Be Honest with yourself while filling this form.*
*No need to disclose your name and email*
(Click here)

CHECK YOUR WELLNESS SCORE (तुमचे शारीरिक आणि मानसिक आरोग्य तपासा)
YES/NO हे भरतांना तुम्ही स्वत:शी प्रामाणिक राहा.(50 प्रश्न )
WELLNESS SCORE : 01-20 = BAD zSqmVkDpk6RjvWtF6
I am very glad to share with you that I have successfully completed Diploma Course of Indian Society for Training and Development(ISTD).

Check Your Personal Stress at Home.
Please click on the link given below

YashwantraoChavanAcademyofDevelopmentAdministration #pune
Great experience as a #guestfaculty.
#CPTP 5(2017) and CPTP 6(2018) batch #Deputycollector 35, #Tahsildar 31 and Nyab Tahsildar 29.
A training sessions on..
The Essential Commodity Act 1955…

Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration
Great experience as a guest faculty with CPTP 5(2017) and CPTP 6(2018) batch Deputy Collector 35, Tahsildar 31 and Nyab Tahsildar 29.
A training sessions on
1. Basics fundamental of supply department.
2. End to end computerisation of supply department.…


तुमच्यातील विध्यार्थी कधीही मरू देऊ नका…Never let die your inner student.
Successfully completed
MBA (Banking, Investment and insurance)
with yours support and best wishes.
Thanking You…..

विभागीय प्रशासकीय प्रशिक्षण संस्था नाशिक येथे प्रशिक्षण .

Two days before coducted lecture on end to end computerisation ,Case Study regarding innovations in supply department and Petrol pump checking at YASHADA Pune.

Delivered lectures as a guest faculty at Reginal administrative training institute Paithan
1.Stress Management.
2.Leadership development.
3.Good Governance.

Delivered lecture @ YASHADA Pune on topic of end to end computerisation in supply department

State of Maharashtra nominated me for 2 day Masters Trainers residential training program at the Institute of Food Security Gurugram -Delhi

Delivered lecture to members of Rotary Club Jalna on topic of Integrated Village Development Program.

Barefooter School director honble Avinash Salunke sir Entomologist /Fumigator/Formulator trained us on various techniques of Insect and pest management…. Amazing Experience@Yashada

Today delivered speech as a guest faculty on end to end computerization in food and supply department at yashada pune.

आता रेशन दुकानांमध्ये मिळणार बियाणे,5 कि. ग्रा. सिलेंडर ,बँक सेवा व कॉमन सर्व्हिस सेंटर सुविधा ….शासनाचा महत्वाकांक्षी निर्णय

रोटरी क्लब जालना !! Role of corporate and professional in social development ,या विषयावर मार्गदर्शन !!!

Marathwada Divisional Administrative Training Institute (MDATI).
Full day training session as a guest faculty.
Associate and Assistant professor Ayurved foundation Training Programme.
Leadership development .
Good governance.
Innovative ideas.
Policy frame work.
Schemes designing and implementation.
Role of NGO in development administration .

आज मराठवाडा प्रशासकीय व विकास प्रशिक्षण प्रबोधीनी, पैठण येथे पदोन्नत मंत्रालयीन कक्ष अधिकारी यांना Leadership development, Innovation and Good governance व Policy framework , Scheme designing and Implimentation या विषयावर एक दिवसभर अतिथी व्याख्याते म्हणून मार्गदर्शन केले.
आज मराठवाडा प्रशासकीय व विकास प्रशिक्षण प्रबोधीनी, पैठण येथे पदोन्नत मंत्रालयीन कक्ष अधिकारी यांना Leadership development, Innovation and Good governance व Policy framework , Scheme designing and Implimentation या विषयावर एक दिवसभर अतिथी व्याख्याते म्हणून मार्गदर्शन केले.

आदरणीय शेखर गायकवाड सर भा.प्र.से.यांचेकडून यशदा प्रशिक्षण संस्था पुणे येथे प्रशिक्षण प्रमाणपत्र स्वीकारले. 9 वर्षांपूर्वीच्या फाउंडेशन प्रशिक्षण च्या आठवणी ताज्या झाल्या. धन्यवाद सरजी.

मा.जिल्हाधिकारी बीड यांचे विशेष निमंत्रणावरून जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालय बीड येथे पॉस मशीन आधार पडताळणी वाढवणेसाठी तहसीलदार व नायब तहसीलदार यांचे विशेष मार्गदर्शन कार्यशाळा.

जागतिक योग दिवस